
Over the years, we have observed that people are increasingly visually oriented. Reading (long) texts captures the imagination less and less. To address this, we have created 3D animations of our key products and services. In this way, we can show both above and below ground in about two minutes what a conscious foundation technique entails and how a particular service can support it. We demonstrate what the various pile systems do in the soil and explain the technology and possible applications.


Vibro piles type HBF

Highly suitable for projects in residential construction, commercial construction, infrastructure, and the energy sector. Can be produced in large lengths and the delivery time is always short. Pre-drilling reduces pile-driving vibrations and a sound barrier during execution provides considerable noise reduction.

Vibro-combi piles

Used for underground construction such as tunneling, parking garages, and other projects where the pile heads need to be installed below the ground level. Vibro-combi piles have the same geotechnical bearing capacity and characteristics as vibro piles type HBF.

Vibro-SD piles

These in-ground formed and soil-displacing piles can be applied under floors in industrial halls and under pile mats. The combination of the pile and floor can lead to an economical design. The vibro-SD piles are installed at a very high production rate.

DPA screw piles

This is an in-ground formed and soil-displacing screw pile system, with limited excavated soil. The production is low-vibration and very well suited for foundations near adjacent structures that are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.

DPA-PLUS screw piles

An in-ground formed and soil-displacing screwed pile system. Soil is laterally displaced, with only the drilling tube containing excavated soil. The production is low-vibration and very well suited for foundations near adjacent structures that are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.

DPA-combi screw piles

A soil-displacing screw pile system formed in the ground and equipped with a prefabricated pile core. The soil is displaced laterally, with drilling soil contained only within the drill pipe. The production process is low-vibration, making it highly suitable for foundations near buildings that are sensitive to damage from settlements and/or vibrations.

HEK screw piles

An in-ground formed and fully soil-displacing pile system. Applied in projects where vibration-free and/or low-noise production is required for the surrounding environment. Suitable for foundations near adjacent properties and existing (residential) construction, which are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.

HEK-combi screw piles

All the relevant features and geotechnical bearing capacity of HEK screw piles, but with a prefabricated concrete element. Suitable for underground construction, such as tunneling, parking garages, and other projects where the pile heads are installed deep beneath the ground level.

Concrete screw piles

Developed for projects on sandy soil and also applicable to other specific soil conditions. This pile system is non-soil-displacing and has a high production speed. The production is vibration-free and low-noise, making it suitable for foundations near adjacent structures.

Tubular screw piles

Developed for projects in a specific soil condition where full-length reinforcement is required. The pile system is non-displacing and has a high production speed. Production is vibration-free and low-noise, making it suitable for foundation work near neighboring structures.

Precast driven piles (concrete)

Over the decades, a wealth of experience has been accumulated in the use of precast driven piles for foundations, which is still widely employed. The pile system displaces soil. In addition to smaller projects, we specialize in foundation work using heavy, large-sized precast driven piles.

HPS (Hollow Precast Screw Pile)

The Hollow Precast Screw Pile is a ground-displacing screwed pile system. The ground is displaced laterally at the tip, resulting in minimal soil upheaval. When screwing the pre-stressed Hollow Precast Screw Pile, a grout mixture is injected under the lost screw point.

Steel casing screw piles

Special attention is given to vibration-free screwing of steel casing screw piles (with or without grout injection) and screw injection piles. Both pile systems are increasingly being used in combination with mini-foundation machines for renovations, extensions, and foundation repairs.

Driven steel casing piles

Driven steel casing piles are in-ground formed (concrete) piles that are constructed from steel tube segments. This type of pile is often used for extensions, renovations and foundation repairs. The most common method is low-vibration driving into the tube. The vibration-free screwing, with or without grout, and screw injection piles are highlighted separately.

Precast foundation beams

Building with precast foundation beams enhances efficiency, construction speed, and the consistent quality of the final product. Precast foundation beams are designed, manufactured, and assembled by Vroom with a KOMO-KIWA product certificate. Precast foundation beams result in a short execution time.

Precast lay-down areas

Building with precast lay-down areas improves efficiency, construction speed and the consistent quality of the final product. The precast lay-down areas are designed, produced and assembled by Vroom with a KOMO-KIWA product certificate. The prefab elements ensure a short execution time.

Precast foundation blocks

Building with precast foundation blocks improves efficiency, construction speed and the consistent quality of the final product. The precast blocks are designed, produced and installed by Vroom with a KOMO-KIWA product certificate. The prefabricated elements contribute to a shorter execution time.

Precast cellars

Vroom Betonbouw supplies and installs precast cellars. The cellars are poured seamlessly and under controlled conditions in the factory, so leakage is excluded. With a cellar from Vroom, you are not only assured of a high-quality product, but also of a rapid and straightforward installation.



If relevant, Vroom Funderingstechnieken and Vroom Betonbouw indicate economic alternatives in piling systems during the quotation stage. Designing and calculating the offered foundation structure, determining the soil mechanical bearing capacity, or providing technical advice in the field of foundation engineering are carried out upon request.

Dimensioning Service

Your construction project hinges on a reliable and solid foundation. Precise measurement of pile foundations and concrete work is therefore crucial. Vroom ensures efficient and exact measurement of all conceivable foundation work.
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