A total of 239 piles has been drilled and prefab foundation beams measuring a total of 858 m have been mounted. Moreover, alongside the canal we have placed prefab quay walls with their bottoms placed directly into the water. An advantage of prefab construction elements is that after placing them, a direct start can be made with the masonry activities.
De Boompoort: new residences in De Schelphoek neighbourhood
The new residences in De Boompoort are a part of the greater housing plan for De Schelphoek neighbourhood. Where once everyone was busy unloading shells, the most fun spot in Alkmaar named De Schelphoek is now being realized: 450 new residences. Near state monuments such as the known Accijnstorentje and salt extraction company De Eendragt, a new part of the city with a special variety of homes and sufficient places to park is arising.