290 houses and apartments, Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt development

290 houses and apartments2100 piles

Vroom Funderingstechnieken is driving the pre-cast piles for the foundations, while Vroom Betonbouw is assembling the pre-cast foundation beams.

Tuinbuurt Vrijlandt will be a zero-carbon urban community, situated on the charming Ogiersingel and Jan Vrijlandtsingel in the south of Rotterdam. A sustainable neighbourhood, where people from many different walks of life live and socialise. In total, the development encompasses 290 owner-occupied and rental dwellings, built to a high standard with matching allure. The foundations are made up of pre-cast driven piles with embed plates and angles.

Coordination between Vroom Funderingstechnieken and Vroom Betonbouw is organised under the same umbrella: in other words, a one-stop shop. Short lines of communication and a tight planning schedule are a guarantee of efficiency and short lead times, which is always an economic advantage.

See the 3D product animation for this pile system here.
Watch the 3D animation on assembling precast foundation beams here.

Characterful garden community for the 21st century

The architecture of the public open space and the built-up area are based on the features of a garden suburb, which focus on communities and social cohesion. The neighbourhood has a typical garden-suburb appearance, in which bay windows and sculpted detail in the masonry form an essential part of the design. The use of features including nest boxes, solar panels, electric car sharing and a neighbourhood greenhouse mean that this development is entirely in tune with trends in the 21st century. Tuinbuurt Vrijland will get at least four stars from the DGBC Woonmerk analysis, which is a measure of how sustainable a neighbourhood is.

Characterful garden community for the 21st century

The architecture of the public open space and the built-up area are based on the features of a garden suburb, which focus on communities and social cohesion. The neighbourhood has a typical garden-suburb appearance, in which bay windows and sculpted detail in the masonry form an essential part of the design. The use of features including nest boxes, solar panels, electric car sharing and a neighbourhood greenhouse mean that this development is entirely in tune with trends in the 21st century. Tuinbuurt Vrijland will get at least four stars from the DGBC Woonmerk analysis, which is a measure of how sustainable a neighbourhood is.

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Sandro Pronk

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14-03-2023 to 29-08-2023
Ballast Nedam, Havensteder, Gemeente Rotterdam
Ballast Nedam West
KOW Architecten en Karres & Brands
Dick Reijnders
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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