The project has been executed in stages while taking the current station that has remained in service into account. During the execution stage, the safety rules have been taken into account. Our employees have taken care of the specific certificates for the execution on-site while wearing safety clothing. The piles have partly been realized on a limited working height as at all times, sufficient space in relation to the active transmission towers had to remain.
High-voltage connection system
With the Randstad 380 kV project, the Ministerie van Economische Zaken and TenneT will provide for the stage-wise application of a necessary high-voltage connection in the Randstad area, divided between Zuidring (Wateringen-Bleiswijk) that has already been realized and Noordring (Beverwijk-Bleiswijk).
Ready for the future
The new connections are of importance in order to guarantee the delivery in the Randstad area, also in the future, and to enhance the transport capacity. The Vijfhuizen transformer station is part of the new connection transforming the electricity level from 380 kV to 150 kV for the purpose of regional distribution. It’s also necessary to guarantee the electricity network’s stability.