Expansion distribution center

2005 piles5 rigs

For the expansion of a distribution center for food, Vroom is applying 2,000 foundation piles in Zaandam. At the climax of the execution process, 5 rigs will be used simultaneously so that the piles will be applied within 7 weeks and the following activities can begin on time.

Three pile systems will be used, each for their own purpose. Near to the current façade, steel tubular piles will be driven with the drilled VGS piles next to them. These piles will be produced with a low vibration level. For the remaining area, drilled displacing vibro piles will be realized. The piles measure a maximum length of 24 m.


Constructing this fast is only possible in the event of a good collaboration with the main contractor, De Vries en Verburg in this case. They are the experts in the field of commercial and industrial building that requires construction on a high-speed level.

Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center
Expansion distribution center

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Rob Sman

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29-03-2016 to 20-05-2016
De Vries en Verburg
Fred Klaver
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Rob Sman

Rob Sman

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