For the capacity, 405 15,5 m vibro piles with a diameter of 323 mm have been applied. For the floor area, another 7940 vibro SD piles have been applied. The vibro SD piles come with a small 180 mm diameter and measure 18m. The project is being realized across the current recently-built distribution center belonging to Rivièra Maison and measures a total of 20.000 m².
Kaapstadweg III distribution center
7940 VSD piles405 vibro piles
In Amsterdam Westpoort, Pleijsier Bouw is realizing a new distribution center measuring a surface of 20.000 m² with a 13m stockroom that will be filled using 4 loading docks.
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We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Rob Sman