Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4

877 Piles2 Equipment

As we were also asked to lay the foundations in previous stages of the renovation project in the Kolenkitbuurt in Amsterdam, it feels like familiar territory to us. At the moment, two giant red heavyweights of the pile-driving plant world are creating and installing vibrated piles (with noise-reducing jackets). The longest pile is over 23 metres long.

Source: Eddie Trapman

At the very centre of the Kolenkitbuurt, housing association Eigen Haard, in collaboration with Heddes, is building 56 social-housing dwellings, 69 ‘mid-market’ dwellings and 137 private dwellings in four residential blocks. The mixed portfolio of residential property also includes detached houses, which are a rare sight so close to the centre of Amsterdam.

Refurbishment of the Kolenkitbuurt

Eigen Haard is working on refurbishment of all its properties in the centre of the Kolenkitbuurt over the next few years. This involves a total of around 500 dwellings, both apartments and detached houses. In addition, Eigen Haard is engaged in several new-build projects for a school, commercial and social properties, and is embarking on a wholesale reconfiguring of the public spaces in the area. Those renting from Eigen Haard in this neighbourhood whose dwellings have been demolished or are scheduled for demolition will be moving into new-build dwellings.

Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4
Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4
Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4
Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4
Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4
Kolenkitbuurt, stages 3 & 4

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Rob Sman

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09-04-2018 to 31-05-2018
Eigen Haard
Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling B.V.
Heren 5 architecten / Geurst en Schulze architecten
Martijn Steenstra
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Rob Sman

Rob Sman

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