Sorting center Eindhoven

1610 piles2 rigs

On 14-16 Achtseweg Noord in Eindhoven, UPS is realizing an automated package sorting center with a surface of approximately 31,500 m². Vroom will take care of the bearing capacity for the huge building by inserting 1,610 vibro piles.

Directly connected to this sorting center will be three supporting buildings (approximately 900m²) that will house the canteens, dressing rooms and offices. In addition, the site will include a separate office building and several supporting buildings for a car wash, working site and fueling location. The site will measure a total of approximately 148.000 m².

Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven
Sorting center Eindhoven

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We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Rob Sman

Rob Sman

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02-05-2017 to 15-06-2017
UPS Nederland BV
Bouwcombinatie Geelen-Cordeel VOF
Leon Klaassen
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Rob Sman

Rob Sman

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