The foundation industry, united in the NVAF, aims to reduce the average noise level by at least 5 dB(A) and has signed a covenant to this effect with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW).
The “Convenant Geluid & Begaanbaarheid” (Covenant on Noise & Accessibility) concluded by the foundation industry focuses on the following noise reduction measures:
- Reducing the source noise
- Shielding of noise
- Using personal protective equipment
For the first two objectives, the focus is on what is reasonably possible. As part of the last objective, Vroom Funderingstechnieken has provided all employees with hearing protection and offers them the opportunity to have custom-made earplugs fitted by an audiometric service.
What Does the Working Conditions Decree Say?
According to the Working Conditions Decree, machinery at the workplace should not produce an average noise level exceeding 85 dB(A), unless this is not reasonably expected. If it is higher than 80 dB(A), the company must provide hearing protection and give instructions on its use. If the noise level is higher than 85 dB(A), additional measures are necessary, including marking the hazard zone and mandatory use of hearing protection.
Noise Levels in Foundation Techniques
For construction activities lasting less than one month, the Government sets an environmental threshold of a 65 dB(A) day equivalent. Near sensitive objects (such as hospitals), this may be 60 dB(A). A ‘day equivalent’ is the average noise level measured over a period of 12 hours. Whether the environmental threshold is actually exceeded depends on the actual time of piling, the noise emission, and the distance to the place of disturbance, as well as the timing of the activities: during the day, evening, night, or weekend.
Environmental Threshold Value
An important question is: “Up to what distance does the noise level stay within the set standards?” The higher the noise level, the further away the environmental threshold value will be from the source of the noise. Where this threshold lies can be determined based on measuring the noise level at 15 meters distance and at 5 meters height. The distance from the noise source to the point where the environmental threshold is no longer exceeded can then be calculated. It is assumed that the noise level decreases by 6 dB(A) with every doubling of the distance. Due to reflection against buildings or other influences, the decrease may be less, and conversely greater with absorption by the ground.
Working Conditions
For working conditions, the noise levels in the immediate vicinity of the workers are particularly important. The table shows the average noise levels that the foreman and the operator encounter daily in their work. These are the average levels measured over an entire workday, including the quiet periods when there is little noise.
Source: Volandis A-blad Geluid en trillingen bij funderingswerkzaamheden 2021.