Services (9)
Vroom Funderingstechnieken specialises in various aspects of foundation techniques. Thanks to its broad expertise and years of experience in the field of foundations, Vroom is often involved at an early stage in complex and specialist foundation work. Curious as to what we can do for you?

If relevant, Vroom Funderingstechnieken and Vroom Betonbouw indicate economic alternatives in piling systems during the quotation stage. Designing and calculating the offered foundation structure, determining the soil mechanical bearing capacity, or providing technical advice in the field of foundation engineering are carried out upon request.

Noise reduction
Vroom Funderingstechnieken was partly instrumental in various developments aimed at reducing noise. Where necessary, noise-reducing measures are taken, such as the installation of sound jackets, which can achieve noise reduction. Alternatively, a switch to another low-noise piling system is possible.